Sunday, April 26, 2015

April MAGAM Sassy Librarian blouse finished

My first MAGAM is done. I finished the blouse yesterday. I am happy with how the blouse turned out but am not sure how it suits me. I am not a fan of the bow and will probably ditch it before I wear it. A fabric with better drape might have enhanced the blouse.


The class is a gem. First of all you can make multiple variations of the blouse. There is a second view with sleeves and peter pan collar. Imagine the variations - I can make the pictured blouse with collar and sleeves or I can make a sleeveless version sans pin tucks. You get the idea.

I made a size 6 at the bust and size 12 at the hips. This was the first time sewing buttons and button holes for me.The instructions were so clear on how to measure for buttons and button placements. I overcame my fear and think it turned out pretty good.

Lessons learnt:
Pintucks - the class gives very clear instructions on how to draw lines and fold to create tucks.
Pivots - It is amazing what a little measurement and drawing lines can help you achieve
Buttons and button holes - again measurement and marking helped
Hem - the class explains a tip where you adjust the needle position and use the pressure foot edge as a guide

Here are some construction snaps
 The best lesson learnt is slow and steady wins the race. The machine speed was set on slow and this helped in construction.

I think this class is worth purchasing.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

April MAGAM Pattern - Craftsy's Sassy Librarian Blouse

For April I want to sew the Sassy Librarian Blouse. I will be sewing the sleeveless version with the pin-tucks . Fabric is from my stash purchased from Joann's clearance rack.

I hope to learn the below new skills
  • Pin-tucks
  • Release Pleats
  • Placket
  • Buttons and button holes
Will post pictures of my progress